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How Many Calories Burned Biking 10 Miles

How Many Calories Burned Biking

How Many Calories Burned Biking

Biking is a great way to get some exercise while also getting around. But how many calories does biking really burned? And how does it compare to other exercises?

Assuming you are biking at a moderate pace of 12 miles per hour, you will burn approximately 830 calories in 10 miles. Biking is a great way to workout because it is low-impact and easy on your joints. It is also a great cardio workout that will help to improve your overall health.

How Many Calories Do You Burn When Cycling?

Calories Burned Biking Calculator

When you’re trying to lose weight, burn calories, and get in shape, one of the best things you can do is hop on a bike. Not only is biking great exercise, it’s also a fun way to get around town or explore the outdoors. But how many calories does biking actually burn?

The answer depends on a few factors, including your weight, intensity level, and time spent biking. But to give you an idea, a 155-pound person can expect to burn about 298 calories in 30 minutes of leisurely cycling (at 12 miles per hour). If you crank up the intensity and go for a vigorous ride (at 16 miles per hour), that same person will burn 372 calories in 30 minutes.

To calculate the number of calories you burned on your last bike ride, check out this handy calculator from Harvard Medical School. Just enter your weight, duration of ride, and average speed, and it does the rest.

10 Miles Cycling Calories Burned

Cycling is a great way to burn calories and get in shape. But how many calories does cycling really burn? To answer this question, we first need to understand how calorie burning works.

Calorie burning is based on two things: the intensity of the activity and the amount of time spent doing it. So, when it comes to cycling, the more intense the activity, the more calories you’ll burn. And, if you cycle for longer periods of time, you’ll also burn more calories.

With that said, let’s take a look at how many calories you can expect to burn while cycling. If you cycle at a leisurely pace (around 10 km/h), you can expect to burn around 200-300 calories in 30 minutes. If you increase your speed to 20 km/h, you can expect to burn around 400-600 calories in 30 minutes.

And if you go all out and cycle at 30 km/h, you could potentially burn over 1000 calories in just 30 minutes! Of course, these are just estimates and your actual calorie burn will depend on factors like your weight, age, and level of fitness. But this should give you an idea of how many calories you can expect to burn while cycling.

Calories Burned Calculator

If you want to know how many calories you burn in a day, there are a few things you need to know. First, your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the number of calories your body burns at rest. You can calculate your BMR by using this calculator.

Next, you need to know your activity level. This is the number of calories you burn through physical activity. Finally, you need to know the number of calories you consume in a day.

This includes the calories from the food and drinks you consume and any additional calorie burning from exercise. You can use this Calories Burned Calculator to estimate the number of calories you burn in a day based on your BMR and activity level. Keep in mind that these estimates are just that – estimates.

The best way to truly know how many calories you’re burning is to track it over time with a fitness tracker or other method.

How Many Calories Does Cycling Burn in 30 Minutes

Assuming you are talking about a moderate intensity level, most people will burn between 200-300 calories in 30 minutes of cycling. Of course, this number can be higher or lower depending on your weight, intensity level, and other factors. However, if you are looking for a simple way to estimate how many calories you are burning while cycling, this range should give you a good idea.

1 Hour Cycling Calories Calculator

Don’t have time to ride for hours? No problem! This 1 hour cycling calories calculator will help you estimate how many calories you can burn in just one hour.

Just enter your weight, average speed, and time spent riding, and the calculator does the rest. On average, a person burns about 400 calories per hour cycling at a moderate pace. But of course, this number will vary depending on factors like weight, intensity, and terrain.

So if you’re looking to up your calorie burn on the bike, make sure to give this calculator a try.

10 Mile Bike Ride Time

Assuming you would like tips for training to complete a 10 mile bike ride in a certain amount of time: If you are new to biking, or haven’t biked in awhile, start by gradually adding some short rides into your weekly routine. A good goal to start with is riding 3 times per week for 30 minutes each time.

Once you are able to consistently do this, you can begin to increase the length and intensity of your rides. If you already have a base level of fitness, start by adding 1-2 longer rides (45 minutes to an hour) into your weekly routine. These rides should be at a moderate pace where you are able to maintain a conversation.

As you build up endurance, you can add more miles and/or increase the intensity of your rides. Interval training is also a great way to improve your speed and stamina on the bike. Start by warming up with an easy 5-10 minute ride.

Then, alternate between 1 minute of hard biking (where you are pedaling as fast as you can) with 2 minutes of easy biking for a total of 20 minutes.Repeat this workout 2-3 times per week in addition to your other rides for best results. Here are some other tips that will help make your 10 mile bike ride successful: -Make sure your bike is properly fitted and that the tires are inflated before each ride

-Wear comfortable clothing and shoes -Bring water and snacks along on longer rides

8 Km Cycling Calories

Assuming you are talking about 8 km cycling calories burned, here is the information. The average person burns around 200 calories per hour biking at a moderate pace of 12-14 miles per hour. So, for an 8 km bike ride, you can expect to burn approximately 160 calories.

Of course, this number will vary depending on your weight, intensity level, and other factors. But generally speaking, you can expect to burn around 200 calories per hour biking at a moderate pace. So an 8 km bike ride would burn approximately 160 calories.

If you’re looking to boost your calorie burning on your next bike ride, try increasing your speed or riding uphill. Both of these things will help you burn more calories in the same amount of time!

10 Miles on Stationary Bike Equals How Many Steps

The average person walks between 2,000 and 4,000 steps per day. But how many steps are in a mile? It depends on the person’s stride length, but it is generally between 2,000 and 3,000 steps.

This means that 10 miles on a stationary bike is approximately equal to 30,000 steps! That’s a lot of pedaling! stationary bike has many benefits including burning calories, improving cardiovascular health, and reducing stress.

And if you’re looking to get fit or lose weight, knowing that 10 miles on a bike equals 30,000 steps can be a helpful way to motivate yourself to pedal your way to better health!

Is Biking 10 Miles a Day a Good Workout?

Assuming you are referring to 10 miles on a stationary bike, yes, this can be a good workout. It really depends on your fitness level and goals. If you are just starting out, 10 miles may be too much.

You might want to start with a shorter distance and gradually increase it over time. If you are already in good shape, 10 miles on a bike may not be enough to challenge you. You might need to add other elements to your workout, such as hills or intervals.

The important thing is to find an activity that you enjoy and that fits your fitness level and goals. Biking is a great workout because it’s low-impact and can be done indoors or outdoors. So if you’re looking for a workout that will help you lose weight, tone up, or just get in better shape, biking could be the perfect activity for you!

How Many Calories Do You Burn Biking 10 Miles an Hour?

Assuming you are biking at a moderate intensity, you can expect to burn roughly 600 calories in an hour. Therefore, biking 10 miles at 10 mph would burn approximately 100 calories. However, this number can vary depending on factors such as weight, fitness level, terrain, etc.

How Long Should a 10 Mile Bike Ride Take?

Assuming you are riding a road bike on flat terrain, at a moderate pace of 12-14 mph, a 10 mile bike ride should take you approximately 48-56 minutes. Of course, this will vary depending on your individual fitness level and how fast you are able to pedal. If you are new to cycling or 10 miles is further than you have ever ridden before, it is best to err on the side of caution and give yourself more time rather than less.

The last thing you want is to be exhausted and struggling to finish your ride. If you find yourself consistently finishing 10 mile rides in under an hour, that is a good indication that you can start pushing yourself to go faster. Conversely, if you find yourself taking much longer than an hour to complete 10 miles, then it might be time to reevaluate your fitness level and see if there are any improvements that can be made.

Either way, remember that cycling should be enjoyable so don’t put too much pressure on yourself to hit certain times or speeds. Just get out there and enjoy the ride!


If you’re looking to up your calorie-burning during your next bike ride, pedaling 10 miles is a great goal. How many calories you burn biking 10 miles depends on a few factors, including your weight, intensity level, and terrain. On average, a person weighing 155 pounds can expect to burn anywhere from 590 to 885 calories by biking 10 miles at a moderate pace.

If you’re able to bike at a higher intensity or on hilly terrain, you can expect to burn even more calories. So if you’re looking for a great way to torch some extra calories, hop on your bike and go for a 10-mile ride!

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